Markarian’s Chain

A cascade of galaxies in the Constellation of Virgo. Soviet astronomer Benjamin Markarian noticed their common motion in the early 1960s. This image was shot over three months in a Bortle 4 zone and is a four-panel mosaic.

Total exposure: 48hrs 10mins
Filters: Red, Green, Blue, Hydrogen Alpha. Five-minute subframes.

Looking at the first image, you might think there are only around fifteen or twenty galaxies in this field of view but I counted and labelled 84. Okay, you might think I should have better things to do but I found this a fun project!

Most of the galaxies in the chain aren’t particularly spectacular. I think the joy is more about the cascading drama of these distant objects. The exceptions are two jewel-like galaxies known as ‘Markarian’s Eyes’ (NGC 4438 and NGC 4435).

You can see more detail in the chain here, including many faint ‘tiny’ galaxies caught in the background.


Cygnus Nebulae


Needle Galaxy